Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dear Peru 14 Volunteers

Dear Peru 14 volunteers,

Seeing as how you are all currently in the “holy heck I’m really leaving the country” mindset and trying to decided what in the world should really go into those 2 checked bags that we’re allotted I figured I’d try to help ya’ll out a little. Assuming that you’re all blog stalking like we were before we left the country.

Things I’d have died without:
-My Backpacking hammock—crucial for any excursion to a caserio that winds up lasting WAY longer than intended, also amazing for sticky, hot summer afternoons.
-Laptop—I would not have survived the rainy season (well at least the part that had electricity) without the ability to watch a movie in English.
-External Hard drive—Great for stealing music from your friends…even if you think you won’t listen to it you will. Just wait for the rainy season.
-Rain Jacket and Rain Pants and Gortex boots—yes you see a theme, rain sucks. I was happy I was able to stay dry.
-Hiking Pack—I feel very much like a donkey at times carrying all the stuff we need to give charlas…so the pack just makes that all easier. In addition a Camel Back will make the pack even better.
-Leather Work gloves—I do a lot of shoveling/pick axing/handling metal or animal crud, sometimes it’s just nice to not have to worry about blisters or cutting or burning your hands.
-SUNGLASSES—the sun is just that much stronger here. Even if you didn’t wear them in the States you’ll want them here.
-Chacos—I will have a permanent chaco tan line by the time I’ve completed my Peace Corps service because I wear them 75% of the time, the other 25% it’s either pouring rain and I’m in boots or I’m hiking really far.
-Leatherman—dude, you always need a leatherman.
-Iron Man watch—it’s hard to find a good quality watch here. I’d just bring an extra band…I forgot to do that.
TAMPONS!—They just don’t do tampons here in Peru. I brought a gallon Ziplock full of OB tampons and have still yet to run out (my family also uses them as packing peanuts when they send me stuff). They cost and arm and a leg here.

Things to ignore on that Packing List they gave you:
-I brought WAY more business casual than needed. Really guys, I kid you not, bring one skirt/dress that doesn’t wrinkle very easy, one pair of kakis, and one button up shirt and you are golden. I’ve only worn business casual 3 times, and no one in Peace Corps cares if they always see you in the same shirt. It just makes it easier to remember your name around the office.
-3 Month Supply of stuff—The idea is that we’re short of time to buy that stuff during training…Really if you have enough to get your through a week after Staging in DC you’ll be fine. There is a grocery store (like a real one) a 4 block walk from the training center in Chaclaclayo by the Serpost. You can get anything and everything you need there. It’ll save you some weight on those bags as well.

So basically Peru 14, all I wanted to say was to take a deep breath in. Relax. And enjoy these last few days with friends and family. Enjoy all of your favorite things American because you won’t be seeing any (or much) of them here in Peru. Enjoy JIF Peanut Butter, good cheese, sliced deli meat, solid yogurt, bagels, real ketchup, pork barbeque, thick and good tasting hamburgers, and last but defiantly not least, your family’s cooking. Don’t forget to soak up as much time in your favorite places, the mountains and beaches are beautiful here, but they are still not like home. So enjoy your favorite things, take a lot of pictures to bring with you and share all of those memories with your new Peruvian families.

I’ll probably see ya’ll around the training center at some point. Travel safe, and take care of each other. We’re the only English-speaking family we’re going to have for 2 years.


Annie Bopannie said...

Hey Jenny!

Wow thanks so much for the packing advice. I know everyone says not to worry about packing, but everyone still does!

Looking forward to meeting some of Peru 13!

Nos vemos!

Annie Bopannie said...


Thanks so much for the packing advice and warm welcome Jenny. I know everyone says don't stress about packing, but I still do...haha.

Looking forward to meeting some of Peru 13!

Nos vemos!