Saying goodbye has never really been a strong point of mine. I’m just not very good at it. So saying goodbye to the Riverside Field Hockey team today was rather difficult. My last day of coaching was moved one day sooner due to Hurricane Hanna heading our way and quite literally raining on our parade, so I think it caught some of the girls off guard. I guess I didn’t mention exactly when my last day was… but the girls had an amazing parting gift for me and I was so grateful that the “dumping the cooler of ice water on Coach Jenny” idea was slow to start and I escaped practice without looking like a wet mess. I’m going to miss coaching them every afternoon. It’s been great watching them improve and grow together as a team over the past few weeks.
I was really happy that the girls were so interested in hearing about the Peace Corps and what exactly I’ll be doing while there. One of the girls asked me if I was nervous about leaving. I wasn’t really sure how to answer that. It’s this weird feeling in my gut I can’t really describe—this combination of excitement and nervousness with a hint of sadness, and a dash of “HOLY CRAP I’M REALLY GOING!” That description may not do the feeling justice, but it’s the best way I can describe it. Any way I cut it I’m just so happy to be going with the Peace Corps to Peru, I just can’t wait to get back to the country I loved so much during my study abroad.
Earlier this week I was also fortunate enough to get to swing by Ms. Davidson’s classroom and meet her International Relations class. They seemed relatively interested in meeting me—or at least as interested as anyone can be first thing in the morning. I showed them some pictures from my last trip to Peru and of my family and friends, and then explained to them the Peace Corps mission statement and what I will be doing as a Community Health Promoter. Hopefully it was helpful that they actually got to see me before they receive letter and e-mails from Peru, and help them put a face with a name. It was pretty cool when I noticed that some of the students were younger siblings of people I went to high school with and some I had known since they were 5 years old. Although it did make me feel old!
So the countdown has begun! Just 6 more days at this point. So let the packing and freaking out begin!
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