Sunday, September 28, 2008

Chisme is Funny!

Hey everyone. Sorry again these postings haven’t been as regular as I was hoping. It’s been incredibly hard to find the free time to connect to the internet…in fact right now I’m technically looking up facts about Peru’s health situation. I’ve become rather adapt at multitasking, more so than when I was in the States. For instance I am now no longer thinking in English and attempting to talk in Spanish—I’m just thinking in Spanglish and talking in slightly better Spanish. It’s been a long 2 weeks. I forgot how hard it is to talk in Spanish all day…let alone on top of 10 hours of class and work.

So to fill you in on the new stuff…ok as soon as I typed that I realized the week has become a complete blur. So I will attempt to summarize with some highlights. Yesterday (sat) we went to the Agriculture University located about 40 minutes away from Chaclacayo outside of Lima for our first “Farmer” lessons. It was SOOO much fun. Tomorrow I will hopefully finally get some pictures up for everyone. And P.S. Derrick and my Family you will be so proud: I actually knew some of the plants!!!! I now have a new favorite fruit in the whole wide world. It’s called a Pepino, a Cantaloupe like fruit. It’s about the size of a softball and is a pale yellow with purple stripes. It tastes like a piece of candy but is juicy like a watermelon. Our instructor for the day was a really cool graduate student named Jamie and he took us around the whole farm and in all the green houses. It was so much fun playing “guess that plant” with all the little seedlings. AND the best part, I am now the proud mama to some seedlings…I forget exactly what the seeds I got handed were. And before you go mocking me, he told us the names in Spanish, the packaging was in Japanese, and it was right around lunch time…so I’ll get back to you on what they were. But we also had Clearing and Tilling 101 (old school style with a shovel) where I was complemented on actually knowing how to handle a shovel…I think it was a complement at least. It was a lot of fun and I can’t wait to go back next week!

After “farming 101” I tried to round up a few people to head to my Host family’s house from last time. It didn’t work, there was too much else to do. Paloma I PROMISE I’ll come next weekend! A group of us went to Jockey Plaza and got some “American Food” then headed on to Miraflores to see the beach. It was a lot of fun because I got to play tour guide for our group of 7 gringos. We went to Larco Mar, Parque de Amor, and then down to the beach to see the Pacific. We then crammed all 7 of us into a taxi to head to the combi stop to head home. After a 2.5 hour combi ride I was back in 3 de Octubre with my host family and ready to party!

No I have not turned into a crazy partier, but my town has. Our town virgin (all the towns have them) is being celebrated this weekend. So we have had LITERALLY nonstop dancing/drinking/and music. It has been just insane. There were fireworks last night at 2 am that were UNBELIVABLE. Totally would have been against every fire code law in the United States. They constructed this 20 foot tall wood (yes wood, as in flammable) tower that has spinning and sparking, and howling fireworks attached to it. Now I know some of you are thinking “well jenny, that doesn’t sound too bad” I forgot to mention we were on the Chancha (the soccer stadium about the size of a basketball court) with 400 of our closest drunk friends. After the fireworks there was some dancing and more music, interrupted for one minute when some guy in the crowd decided he didn’t like the song and threw a punch at the band…haha.

But the new town “chisme” (gossip in Spanish) is now that Ryan O’Hara and I are dating…completely not true. But to frame this story for you: 1. In Peru if a guy walks a girl home it’s a date. 2. If you dance together it means something’s up. Okay so I’m the only girl living in 3 de Octubre, thereby I am forced to walk home with 4 of the males that live in my barrio…therefore making me look…well somewhat flirty. Then due to the fact that Ryan and I like to walk while the other guys prefer to ride the combi, I walk with him more than others. Add the cherry on top with him forcing me to dance at the party last night…ta-da I am now apparently not single…small town gossip. Go figure.

On that note I’m going to get back to actually doing work and talk to you all later!

Love you all!


Sasha said...

there's chisme about me and Jason in Huascaran... apparently all the host mamas on manzana Q are having a grand old time with that one...

Katrin said...

Hey Jenny - glad you're having a blast and that you're dating hahahha...much love - keep updating! :) ~Katrin